
Сообщения за май, 2023

7. Bahouddin Nakshband

  Bahouddin nakshband (Muhammad Muhammad binni Bahouddin an-Nakshband al-bukhari) 1318-year,  celebrated the parliament for years ,  Bukhara  near the  Tower in the village Hinduvon  is born.  Bahouddin nakshband  prophet muhammad  stated that he and the father belonging to the generation from the side of sayyidzodalardan 11-Xasan imam Imam al-Ali, the second son of sayyid askariy Akbarni generation.  His father, Muhammad al-bukhari governing carving patterns and to'quvchi (nakshband) was the son of, and also will not take this occupation. The first of bahouddin nakshband disappointed — the master  Xoja Muhammad boboy heaven  was.  Bahouddin nakshband elderly shayx young bringing it up to the deputy  Amir Sayyid Potter  handed.  It  tariqat  know what he said chapter, teach after shog'irdiga will allow.  Bahouddin nakshband like science,  yassaviya  shayxlari to be representatives of qusam tariqat popular shayx before  Naxshab  (the current  Against ) will go to the city.  Abou

6. Khoja Sayid Amir Kulol

  Amir Sayid was buried in Potter place.  Life is "great", which means it includes the name of kalon.  The end of the xii century Kuma potter,  Bukhara  close (now the  Kagan  district)in  Village Suxor  born at.  Xojagon-tariqat amir sayid naqshbandiya major figures of religious scribes Potter, if I was able to more than a hundred followers, among them there was also the nakshband Bahouddin Muhammad.  Amir hamza is the father.  From Hijoz (Current  Saudi Arabia ) Of bukhara  Afshona  ( Peshku )in the village were moved. It Nakshband sufi the basics right with mention reading is introduced.  This breed — nasab prophet to be the termination of the  from sayyidlar  are considered.  Sayyid Amir in bukhara in the life of the potter is not considered to be outside, that is, in mecca, both Madinaga the other and neither is in place.  Amir Sayid Potter 1370-suxar grew and was buried in the village of his birth in the year of the mausoleum and the tomb installed on it.

5. Khoja Muhammad Bobo Samosiy yodgorlik

  Ali khoja romitan is the burial place about popular so'fiyning the disciples.  Boboy xoja muhammad heaven the end of the xii century, was born in the village of Romitan district in heaven xojagon-tariqat major figures of the naqshbandiya, 7 prospective projects for youth pirga his fifth.  Ali Xoja Romitan studying the spoken led xojagon after his passing.  Bahouddin nakshband  was born when her spiritual farzandlikka accepted.  Heaven forgave the day with gardener.  He died in 1354, at the age of 95.  The holy mausoleum is located in the village of sima romitan district.  The great man's own teaching on this earth in their suits, mausoleums, mosques, wells and built the beautiful garden.

4. about memorial complex of Khoja Ali Romitaniy

  Romitan  is the burial place of ali khoja.  Gerhard among the people to "Azizxon" — shayx dear name given.  In the middle of the xii century  Romitan  district of kattakurgan was born in the village.  Weaver's dealt with during the whole life.  Ali will be romitan to perform the job that they have to Mongolian to accept the religion of islam.  After the Mongolian invasion to help restore depleted soils, the physician dealt with.  Architecture in  live for a while, and xojagoniyani xonaqo open in this region is common.  Makhmud sufi master in the way Fag'naviydir Fig.  Are incomplete "Xoja Manoqibi dear ali, romitan of the" works of come.  1321 romitan saribo'ston in the village (the village of tashkent kurgan close)at where she was buried.  Built a mausoleum over the grave, and the grave is ziyoratgoh renovated in the period of independence

3. Makhmud mausoleum of Khoja Fagnaviy

  At the end of the xii century Fag'raviy fig  Vobkent  district Anjirbog'was born in the village — tariqat xojagon major figures of the naqshbandiya, 7 pirga his third prospective projects for youth.  Gilkorlik  dealt with.  Xoja Mohitobon Orif — Revgariyyadan studying the led sets xojagon after his passing.  "The sharif silsila" 12 at the ring's disappointed.  Xoja have died in 1286 and was born in the village Mahmoud Fig Fag'naviy the person is buried.  The mausoleum also have been built in exactly the same place. https://uz.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fayl:Ulugh-Beg_madrasah_in_Gijduvan_13-34.JPG

2. Orif Khoja Muhammad ar-Revgariy mausoleum.

https://mover.uz/video/embed/fJXcuq5O Orif Khoja Muhammad ar-Revgariy mausoleum. Mohitobon 12-the middle of the century by  district information  rev up was born in the village of adulterers.  Xojagon-one of the major figures of the naqshbandiya and nazariyotchilar tariqat.  Abdukholik gijduvoni from  the doctrine of tasavvuf learned.  I am doing theoretical issues and debate about the core aspects of tasavvuf "Orifnoma" wrote brochures.  He died in 1259 and was buried in the city of Revgariy Information.  On the mausoleum and the grave of the tomb installed around the mosque-mausoleum of ziyoratgoh it becomes.

1. Abdukholik Gijduvoni Khoja.

Abdukholik gijduvoni, Xoja Abdulxoliq ibn al-Gijduvoni Abduljamil (1103- Gijduvan — 1179) — the founder of one of the sufi orders and xojagon.  Xoja is popular with the name of the world. Dedicated to the condition of its opening noma'-lum, the author wrote "the mention of the ambassador receives voqioti-Gijduvoni Abdulxoliq the world at the" game of the year 1717 in the institute of oriental studies of the academy of sciences of uzbekistan, a copy of the moved are kept at. At the age of 9 the qur'an has mind. From the age of 10, took an active part in the mention of darvishlar. First master of science from imam sadriddin interpretation prospective projects for youth to learn. At the age of 22 Joseph Khamadoniy a meeting with his muridi becomes. Prayer and riyozat himself concerned to keep the lights on during the whole life of 5 works. Of them ". Com Xoja Khamadoniy Joseph" ("Joseph Xoja Khamadoniy qualities") and his doctrine of the biography of


Madrasah of Abdulaziz Khan is an architectural monument in Bukhara . It was built under the donation of Uzbek ruler Abdulaziz Khan. According to the material evidence obtained from the archaeological excavations in Bukhara, a river with a width of 100-120 meters flowed through the outskirts of the current old city in ancient times. Abdulaziz Khan madrasah was built in the middle ages in the place of this river bed among several architectural monuments. It was built in 1652 by the palace architect Mimkhakhan ibn Khoja Muhammadamin . The madrasa was mainly restored on the basis of minor repairs (the gable was repaired by Usta Shirin Muradov ). National music and folklore performances are shown for tourists in the yard. An exhibition of Bukhara woodcarving samples has been organized in the mion palace in the northeastern corner.

Ulugbek madrasah

 Ulugbek madrasah is an architectural monument in Bukhara ( 1417 ). It is the oldest preserved madrasah in Central Asia. It is the oldest of the madrasa built by Ulugbek . During the reign of Abdullah Khan II, major renovation works were carried out (1586). There is a majestic gable in the main style , 2- story rooms in 2 wings and flower bouquets in the corners . The top of the bouquets is dome shaped. The main decoration of the madrasah is on the gable, which, in addition to the glazed bricks , is decorated with colorful flowers. rivets and tiles are used. From Ravokli Peshtok, it turns to the yard through the mionsarai . The internal dome of the Mionsaray is made of 12 sides, made of brick grid , with blue and light colored tiles placed between them. The yard (26x25 m) is surrounded by a row of 2-story rooms and 2 porches with a roof . Yard pants. and Jan. the sides are shorter, and the walls , arches and gables are finished with white, turquoise and purple glazed bricks. . Cells ar


Modarixon madrasasi bosh fasadi Madrasah Modarikhan was built in honor of Abdullah Khan's mother (hence the name). Main facade of Modarikhan madrasa The Madrasah Chorsi has a terrace (67x45 m), 2 floors. In the style of the head , there is a huge porch and 2 adjacent 2-story, 3- room rooms with arched fronts, decorated in a geometrical style with tile patterns . In the corners there are bouquets decorated with glazed bricks . Each of the rooms has a door and a ganchkori grill above it . Other sides of Modarikhan Madrasah are unadorned . A central rectangular courtyard is surrounded by a verandah there are cells . The head-style miyonsaray , classroom and mosque , the rooms located at the two corners of the yard grid are covered with a round dome . The bags are made of ganch in a net shape. The structure of the wall of the Modarikhan madrasa is typical of the 16th century Bukhara architecture. Both edges are made of baked bricks, and the middle is filled with broken brick fragments.

7 Pir

 Buxorodagi 7 pir ziyoratgohi - Buxorodagi tasavvuf ilmiga katta xissa qoʻshgan, 7 buyuk soʻfiylar dafn etilgan joy va atrofiga qurilgan maqbara va masjidlar majmuidir. 1Abduxoliq Gʻijduvoniy 1103-1179 2 Xoʻja Muhammad Orif ar- Revgariy 1165-1259 3 Xoʻja Maxmud Anjir Fagʻnaviy XII asr oxiri-1286 4 Xoʻja Ali Romitaniy XIII asr oʻrtalari-1321 5 Xoja Muhammad Bobo Samosiy XIII asr oxiri-1354 6 Xoʻja Sayid Amir Kulol Buxoriy XIII asr oxiri-1370 7 Bahouddin Naqshband 1318-1389 Abduxoliq Gʻijduvoniy 1103-yilda 24-martda tugʻilgan. 9 yoshida Qur’onni yod olgan. 10 yoshidan boshlab, darvishlarning zikrlarida faol ishtirok etgan. 22 yoshida Yusuf Hamadoniy bilan uchrashib, uning muridiga aylanadi. Oʻzini ibodatu riyozatga mashgʻul tutib, butun hayoti davomida 5 asar bitadi. Bulardan „Maqomoti Xoja Yusuf Hamadoniy“ („Xoja Yusuf Hamadoniy fazilatlari“) asarida ustozining tarjimai holi va uning taʼlimoti yoritiladi. Mohitobon 12-asr oʻrtalari, Shofirkon tumani Revgar qishlogʻida tugʻilgan. Xojagon