Ulugbek madrasah

 Ulugbek madrasah is an architectural monument in Bukhara ( 1417 ). It is the oldest preserved madrasah in Central Asia. It is the oldest of the madrasa built by Ulugbek . During the reign of Abdullah Khan II, major renovation works were carried out (1586). There is a majestic gable in the main style , 2- story rooms in 2 wings and flower bouquets in the corners . The top of the bouquets is dome shaped. The main decoration of the madrasah is on the gable, which, in addition to the glazed bricks , is decorated with colorful flowers. rivets and tiles are used. From Ravokli Peshtok, it turns to the yard through the mionsarai . The internal dome of the Mionsaray is made of 12 sides, made of brick grid , with blue and light colored tiles placed between them. The yard (26x25 m) is surrounded by a row of 2-story rooms and 2 porches with a roof . Yard pants. and Jan. the sides are shorter, and the walls , arches and gables are finished with white, turquoise and purple glazed bricks. . Cells are very sensitive. The madrasa (53x41.6 m) is not very big, the rooms are wonderful, proportional to each other, the internal and external structure is unique. The mosque (15.5*5.5 m) and the classroom (5.5x5.5 m) are located on two sides of the palace with a dome. There is a library on the 2nd floor of the palace . Khoja Sa'd Joybori repaired the outer pesh mountain and the adjacent rooms (1586), and decorated the peshtog with tiles with small inscriptions and patterns . Ismail ibn Tahir ibn Mahmoud Isfahani, a repairman , is among the ganchkori decorations on the top of the room in the west of the courtyard .name saved. According to Abdurazzoq Samarkandi , Ulugbek (on November 28, 1419) distributed gifts to the students who came to the madrasa . The Ulugbek madrasa has come down to us much changed. It was repaired in 16-17 centuries, 1950-70 and 1990-96. There are many star decorations in the patterns . Porch pillars are gilded . The Arabic phrase "Education is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman" is engraved on the door panels 


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